Thursday 25 September 2008

Okay listen up all you peeps last weekend was fabulous and we had a surprise birthday party for my dad. He be 50 years old!!! My mom did a really great job putting everything together, we had a band and a ton of people came. It was the hit of the half century!!

I also loved seeing my crippled little sister and pushing her around TJ Maxx, Ross, and Petco in her wheelchair. It made me feel validated and like I really can be a special ed. teacher. Just kidding.....

Here are some highlights of the weekend!

Happy Birthday Dad!!!!!!!!!!


Mattie said...

haha i read petco and i thought of how you and zach would always be like "ello? iz zis Petco?!?!?" :)

Madi said...

haha I totally forgot about that. We were sooo lame.